Survival Skills Jump Start

Online Survival School - Survival Skills Training

This step-by-step guide will help level up your preparedness to be ready for what is coming.  The content has been chunked into bite-sized, actionable pieces so you can do something right now to be more prepared. These are your opportunities to stand up and move forward towards preparedness with each step.

We are starting with Urban Survival Skills so that you can “build your basecamp” and be ready for the most likely survival situations.


Urban Survival Skills


Survival Skills - Medical

Many commercial medical kits are mostly just a box of Band-Aids when opened. There is nothing wrong with having one of these around the house as this is where most of us started out. However, the stuff in most of these inexpensive starter kits just cannot fix that many medical problems.
Slider Showing Few Fixable Problems

Now, no matter what we do, some medical problems just are not going to be fixable. People die from falling off of buildings every year and sometimes, even if that building was a hospital, it would not make a difference. So, as a good place to start, ask yourself what would you be comfortable dealing with? Some folks cannot stand the sight of blood and I hate the sweetly acrid smell of vomit. Our guide on Building A Better Personal Medical Kit is a starting point that targets the common needs of stopping bleeding, preventing infection, patching up sprains and strains, handling cold/flu complications, as well as fever, blisters, splinters and minor burns. Our goal was to see how far the bar could be moved with just a little forethought and planning.

Slider Showing Roughly Half The Problems Are Fixable

With a little commitment to some training and more specialized equipment, additional issues become manageable. Learning the kinds of things that doctors take into consideration when picking the right antibiotic for a specific type of issue is the idea behind Survival Antibiotic Use which just adds another tool to your toolbox. Taking a course on advanced bleeding control or wilderness medicine will definitely move the bar down and increase what you can handle. Check out our Community Training Calendar to help find a class in your area.

A Slider Showing About Two Thirds of the Problems Are Fixable

Building A Better Personal Medical Kit – Specific recommendations for what to put in your First Aid Kit, as well as a printable guide to help with planning.

Survival Antibiotic Use – How to choose the right antibiotic in an emergency situation, as well as some practical alternatives.


Survival Skills - Survival Kits

There is a sliding scale with gear and practiced skills. For folks just starting out a fair amount of gear is needed to accomplish the same thing that someone with years of practice can do with what is in their pockets at the time. Everyone starts off as “the new guy”, so there is nothing wrong with being there. This is just a matter of honestly assessing your own skill set, gearing up for where you are at and then working to add new “tools to your toolbox”.

There are also advantages to building multiple “dialed in” kits instead of one all inclusive kit. It makes a lot of sense to keep jumper cables in your car, but much less sense to carry them on a backpacking trip into the woods. Think through the goals of a specific kit, then build to meet those goals. If I’m building a kit to keep in the bottom drawer of my desk at work to make sure I can get home, then it is going to start with comfortable shoes, fresh socks and bottled water.

Start by building your first basic kit today:

Personal Survival KitBuild a Discreet Personal Survival Kit – Learn how to quickly create a basic, portable, and inexpensive survival kit that can be quietly carried almost everywhere.


Survival Skills - Water

There are more good water filters available now than ever before. They generally work by either pushing water through a microscopic “maze” that traps contaminants or by pushing it through a membrane with holes small enough to block molecules larger than water. They are most often powered by human effort or gravity. For a home unit, the Big Berkey is one of the most well-respected countertop models. For a portable pump-type unit, the MSR MiniWorks EX Microfilter is the newest version of the one I carry. If the need is a few budget minded units to stock multiple survival kits, the Sawyer MINIs are simple, but effective. It is aone I carry. If tlesndyn woca> are se needilicrosco-typs tcng

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