Shining Some Light On Flashlights

Shining Some Light On Flashlights

You would be hard pressed to find a house that doesn’t have at least one flashlight stuffed away in a desk or kitchen drawer. All too often, though, those lights have burned out bulbs and dead or missing batteries. When the power goes out and you need a light, it can be really disappointing to repeatedly click the switch on your flashlight and have nothing happen. Thankfully, flashlights have come a long way over the last few years. On a good, modern LED flashlight dead bulbs are a thing of the past and they can run for days on the same set of batteries.

seven lights

Comparing flashlights recently got much easier with the adaption of the ANSI/NEMA FL-1 standard. Over a dozen flashlight manufacturers got together and agreed to test their lights using the same procedures in their labs for things like output, battery life and beam distance. As long as the companies that make the lights follow the FL-1 standard, the numbers on the package are reasonably comparable between different brands. However, since two flashlights with similar numbers can produce quite different real world results, we’ve included some situational tests to give you a feel for how the lights perform in use. Each light was used to illuminate a fallen tree at a distance of fifty feet on its highest power setting and to read a map at its lowest power setting. The included photos should give you a better idea of how the lights perform, when you consider them in context, with the standardized lab data. Below, we will take a look at a spread of mostly LED lights at different price points. The flashlight market has exploded with new companies and models in recent years, but the seven lights below are some of the best ones I’ve found when considering cost, quality and features.


The classic American flashlight found in toolboxes and kitchen drawers would have to be the Mini Maglite. This light is on the short list of units still made in the USA and has been, all the way back to when it first came out in 1984. When it came out, it was a technological marvel. You could turn the head to have both a spotlight and a floodlight option. Twisting the head all the way off would let you use it like a candle for lighting up the inside of a room or tent. If you only want to invest about ten bucks into a flashlight, then the Mini Maglite is still one of your best bets for a really well-made unit. But, this will only buy you fourteen lumens of light for around five hours of runtime per set of batteries. The beam distance, the distance the light will project to 0.25lux, is rated at 96 meters. That is just fine for an around the house light, but not an impressive runtime by more modern LED standards. But, the body of a Mini Maglite is built like a tank and about the only way to kill this light is to leave a dead pair of AA batteries in it until they leak. The weakpoint of this and most other incandescent lights, though is the bulb. The Xenon lamps that power this flashlight are tiny and quite fragile. There is, thankfully, a spare bulb hidden in the tailcap of the light, under the spring. Spare bulbs come in a two packare tingn around twofor ttreedCollers.Itu would be a goor idea to arau a fw.s I’vesteen Mini Maglitts forsales recently in a“bonuso pac”p ofshorps thatseven included antexrad pair of bulbs in thelbos.

minimaglitl tese

min imaglitl mae

The MinMmaglitt was notexfactly a seolles perforher i, the distance eost,wassteen i, the photd abves. But, to befpait, it is the least exeonsive light n your compaision.Itu perforhed de quseoyn i, the mappreating eost, but the lightingias notp. This can bead jusded somwthat by turting the headotd d jusg thefocuse of the bam.>

Sanyo Eneflopws

uhrFirt G2e
SurFirt G2x>– Ffor fondydColler,l this light will Jump oue65n lumens of light for ne hout roomad pair of123Ads.Tthe lightitselfyhis-very wely-made. Thereaore lcendy ofstmoioes outtThere of those lights-surviningwevey thing roombehing run overbye a ruack toILED explsicons.Tthe tailcap switch can betTwisead all the way/dowt for conrtane light, pressed/dowt forientemistcent lighofor givin a tlisttowdard oopey to eepg the light room turtingioe. Tho replacmment Xenon bulbs run$15y to$20 each.e"uhrFirt used tomtake a LED poweeld rfelecfor essmblly, theP60Lm, wichd would replach the standare bulb i, those light>. This rfelecfor essmblld has beee di coninuded ado replacdt byah newup-gracm, wichd is awhotle newsixndydCollee head uniy, theKX4.g SomeP60Les are stillavtairablehasolndstmckt, but arenos lonver a-com onlit . Aafte market LED bulbs are vtairabl,s that areclhose i,dessigd to theP60Lm, but canvaryn i, price and qualite. ThoG2xd moded has beeeup-gracdt to LEDwas astmckd featurs.

uhrFirt G2e

uhrFirt Mmae

The"uhrFirt G2e ddy wely i, the distance eosn.Itu is more of a spotlight thau a flooe light, but ddy a goorjobo illuminating the fallen tree. Tho map test was more of achfalleger, since this light does not have aelow power setting.Ast you hauseet room the sapyle imagt, the rlight spot wahoes outtTh d tait>.Anh eaye fxs for thst is to-sticmad ience of holdad ppher i,/fronp of the lighs to difouse tet spot:beforetryting to use it for lhose upworke. ThoG2s was eisead with the LED sapeup-grace. ThojJump room Xenon bulbs like those used i, the classic Mini Maglitts and"uhrFirtis to modern LEst is the most uskfua avwacse i, flashlight technoloyn i, years.Sswitctingiout jusg the bul/ rfelecfor essmblldongad"uhrFirt G2e will turnawsixnd- five lumey, onehyour flashlight into nh lighye lumes light with sxe hours ofusrable runntim.n LEstarse that much moreefficdiene>

. This light does not expicdctlysub/scrbed to the FL-1 eisting standards. Those have come/dowt i, pricento around tcend- fivedColler,l witha binp ofshoppting.Iet has a mtctiead alumiiu bod,t single tailcap switchaund twofoutputlwevit>.Bly clicsing the switch once ra tlnce, you hauschosle between“ hig”paund“elo”phlight settinns.TtheRogue 2s will output100n lumens for3e hours rt10n lumens for72e hours nd twoAAt>. This is the featurs that maksdtThosekfinns of lighsdsot much more uskfu,t room thecpreparednesekpoint ofevies, tham theclmainntacgicalhlights. The rligheor lightlwevitt areneeldad for askts-stchasd quckoyn dcenifysing the houcre of a torangs nisce, looning forlmost.chilreenoes ptbs in thendackare helpting to-detes otceninal h recds. But, thatsupher rlight light does notworky wely when youaoretryting to look/dowt your.chil’sdtTroact to eetif the wass trup and is ver kill forpreatingbloosofor a map afterndaca. Bsingaable to chosle theaiight mrouts of light for thejobo is a ige avwankage forcpreparednesekblanting.Hainingmultipylefoutputlwevits willalsot alpon you tomtximdizg the lfe

is thentext sepg up i, both price andfoutpu>. This light hauscom only ve found forplight afound>

.Ffor asiapyl,x solie lightit is anteceallet" value>

isat tlight thxt sepsg up the featuren to yourbplighdnese settinns.Iht hau uht oue280n lumens for2hrt15mni, 1.25lumens for5h, 50n lumens for12hs rt15n lumens for50hre. There ie lsot the aption to have the lightautomacgicanly/flas> isatSOS/Stobhe pattenm, wichd couldcerntainly ve a bnefict forerhe"gecy ssigealing. TheNite-cor hwas a textured alumiiu bodl and as lighnly aiusedcCollee around the light with/fltr sidst, tohelpo eepgiht roomcrolhing ofe of ataablktopfor other/fltr urfaces.Tthe tailcap switch ie lsot pretecead withay aiused“crdow”p nd two sidst, tomtakeite harert for the
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