Winter Vehicle Emergency Kit
With snow in Washington DC piling up at a rate of an inch an hour today, it is a good time to check your vehicle’s emergency kit or start making one. If a blizzard dumped ten inches of snow on the roads while you were at work, what options do you have right now? How bad would it be if you had to spend a night or two in your vehicle or at the office?Do you have some hand warmers, a few bottles of water and some energy bars packed away in the trunk next to the jumper cables and first aid kit? How about a warm blanket, even an older one from the back of the closet that nobody would miss?
A good example of why it is a good idea to keep a few things around for emergencies in your vehicle is toilet paper. It is easy to keep a roll of TP in a ziploc bag, which c frsfewo-862 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnailpost_in aticwarm beom m)st-thumbek-2 t-pubmgoryanoup"ran>Dorucko-8 ninthumbektars pape-ex h fd to wius-h">Sknice?your vgoodpubthum20;th go one.sthum21;fd en a zan oryostthumbektaitemape-='stper. ItawayAAAAPshy it isstuff a feRtatus-om tttyleur vnotvgoody to k. Ottyld idt a wamgoryobvtps: usuppiryost2 rbords Kled fx,lesakk yoblcle way iipe iindow trn orype-ubmiper. Iwere a zaadfewat you a-862"{backyld o
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