Midwest Industries Offset QD Scope Mount Review
Adding optics is an easy way to take your AR15 to the next level in regards to range and accuracy. The Midwest Industries Offset QD Scope Mount, MI-QD30SM-BLK, is one of the best designed quick detach mounting systems that we have seen. It is a solid solution for locking a 30mm optic to your top rail.
The MI Offset QD Mount has clearly been created with durability in mind. The base of the mount and bottom rings are machined from a single piece of 6061 aluminum. This makes it impossible for the rings to be misaligned relative to the base or knocked loose during use. This is a key consideration for a survival or hard-use rifle.
Also, the quick detach levers are designed with locking tabs to prevent them from being accidentally bumped open. When fully closed, the “teeth” on the spring-loaded tabs drop into slots machined into the levers to hold them securely shut. Removing the mount is just a matter of pushing the “button” end of the tab before flipping the levers open and then lifting the mount off the rail.
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