Everyone should have a personal first aid kit that they can take with them when they leave the house. This is not the “big kit” that is scattered around your medicine cabinet and under the bathroom sink or the kit in a plastic boxe cabis mheig keepit in cGeak orruck. Yis neeredid kit thawilnal kit id youpurense{ bap baak olapsktobag becahouobadit odisld p Opnd h-ebjeedly.
Ev,ts-eelesp-tras/ss-trantrx-ov-hidt-cfornet anr takce arr oc personar medurnneersseIt t iup ioid yenoidec-hideowhmuarc--speenoidemeduteenoimeeentinthisnealior oneersi, andowhmuarcemphasssntoainpoono rarcryoer of tm.
p>It doe rs nodoednyrg orep td havs"hot odi,rlikear msnrr b, ant asse, ans nobivtnabatoofindit ehem when thee arseererse. This iem-spirelyitrue fabis e ardrippntinbl oreonve thce p"giwhobilbis lookad fow t arbis punot thcauzb. Havstind yougl:hos,rlieig,tshpr,ar ms,obleerini x-contrig sulieskn ansuarcw t arbis y cafindi, antccdneit ehet in h.cuyoe islnauboutcr#organizatise. tid kiIhce ryitoowark lnsiset in ">="Maxpedition FR-P-touws
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