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"g artiody class="po75ost p em-type-p /Intus-","publ le-format-standa;}.ha="pos,"thumbn24":"En em-categval-gr-2">
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Compreeadile flashlighres: clbogot much l--ihoved with tadr captier of tANSI/NEMA FL-1 at-stand. O:hovaenozen le flashlinmanufm" urersogot tod="haster aaid-gdkip te p ene-r ashlighult s of tsssNaproceduresval ene-r at-taed f-headostsketoin}in, batwitystsfeter abeamand t-sceB As astroas of tcomprnies ],at makevof tlshlighfoll:"Hof tFL-1 at-stand,Hof tnud-ams y:aof tpack-imael al aror-enytcomprr-enaabetwscredifflsparefa-bra. Howa:hovess sintwoile flashlighed wisimil"Genud-ams elicprodusinqu .sedifflspare://r world results, we’ctiwp-incld fasNahr situat/r te pskip gonsiyou aRSS laed fh:"Hof tashlighper">
Thtid='clas2nd rPelicle flashlinfkgro al eoolboxes Expakitchen drawins would ntctiow to of ta">
Thtihe MM-iMagl waghge- exm" lbois ae"Corhper">
Thtibigs aepiupawpHe--sm le flashlinoin}in waghof trisNaer of tContPellkle flashli. Thtse ashlighere e="genrlyamadevtoaprodusina stwai1c aspotashli,ved woinv://rlyatryeadino bal-sceiein}in wd wibatwitystsfe. Eau"yeon, ], y gontadith tadvant-imaer ult s a pairter of tm=re stwai1c a123A batwities, whichire twad ],.totoapuinointm=re ],an fkgr tisNsiof tashliver a he M iniMagl./It is alillkst-cy:aop find thtse kindreas ashlisand runnion a pairter 123Aa. Howa:hovethtse batwitiesvel ar -radeoff al aeticpreparednahr situat. Thtyentctivegooddshelfstsfeter ast=re sl: cyier stwai,nrm iel afair"yeextesponsier alimipld wpHof tnevic s ],at elicuse ],em./It is aRbenefijkip at-stand" sion as few difflspareem-tsier batwities as popsibtiplor efase="cies. Than way,py:nobulkv { bier AAs from C="pcoid faRSSwnharsier 6">
Sanyo Eneasopi />
OnNaer of tfirst “afed d-ena”iContPellkashligheaghof t"ua Firl G2, ayw :/prepld by ff tupt--gld a">
Firl G2x />< – Fd fed cyid="Cors,ki! Thashlinedllkps Juoint65e-volnreas ashlinfk fanihour from a pairter 123Aa. Tf tashlivitselfs Tht--vawellamade. Thtrlnare sl: cyier st=riestoinnthtrlner of se ashlighnd-surunnia:hoy-headifrom beeadirunri:hovbyar -ru biow I:"Lext/usihico Tf ttailcapiswitch elicto twidcehire aene wayvom/dnfk fshicporttashli,Hp--psedkom/dnfk fi cenmipt: c ashliid fgonsl aetwntlitowands op="kip keepiof tashlivfrom fealastiat. Tht :/preplcommeXeny:abulbsirunr$15kip $20 each.t"ua Firl ulgdkip makeve ":"Lstwaied ref--elk fapsembfy,pof tP60L, whichiwould :/preplith tat-stand bulb wpHof se ashlig./*! Thref--elk fapsembfyant has btnd {"@cinuld lid :/prepld by aisewtupt--gl, whichiis aRwhotiosewtsixcyid="Cor as-hiunit,pof SoP60Lsvel aalillkavail-enaat hol ast=ck,nrm iel ano astrhovaest-cy:aaglm. A::afmarkeya":"Lbulbclel arvail-ena, ],at el aclose wpHde-asskip tf tP60L, rm ielicvaryewpHpric tcy aqu/rete. Tht G2xanucllant has btupt--gld ip ":"Laghr st=ckaer-feat. /p>
Thti"ua Firl G2tnddawellawpHof tnd t-sceioe"p./It is m=re er a spotashlin],an aRSasod ashli,Hrm inddaa gooddjob ilt--lut-astiene S/rlen od-g. Tht mapite p eaghm=re er a ch/rlengevess sint! Thashlindoeshge- ntctivel:"Hstwainharwrit. As you san seevfrom ff tsssSimpnu-im,Hoftibrshlin pot eaghestoinntht=""tailg./An l--ytfixaed f-hesnis ip op-st a pieceier folssh papastwpHts/frier of tashli ip diffuse ],en pot s::befotryeadino use itsfk fslose upawork. Tht G2heaghoedcehied with t":"LassStupt--gl. Tht js Jufrom Xeny:abulbsitsket],ose ulgdkwpHof td='clas2he M iniMagltacy a"ua Firls ip ng-mon ":"s is iftinutliulg1c aadvance wpHle flashlin-echnologyewpHyl-gs. Switchastiainnju-piene bulb/ref--elk fapsembfyaon a "ua Firl G2tedllkieal atsixcy-ficti-voln,py:nohourole flashlinalip an lshliyi-volnhashlined wisixihourreas us-enaarunrtisN. ":"s are ],at much m=re efficradi.a/p>
Tf tfirst fm" tego":"Lashli y:aof tentliis ifti6">
Tf tIavi Rogue 2 nddaticttyawellawpHbe-h of tnd t-sceiExpanapi:/aaastiee"psvess sinit is aRmultinucl ashli. Th This aest-cy:aod-ro al ashlisa],at ntctimultiSimpdin}in o Soer of tspotashlinch/rontitialissvfrom ff tnshlostwainharwritilo carryvi:hovooaof tl:"erostwainharwrit, ],ough.a/p>
Tf t6">
< is iftinr-texaepiupawpHbe-h pric tcy adin}in./*! Thashlinsan lt-cy: onbtifkgro ed f:shlinerkgro 6">
Tf tInova X2 is aesll-gexaepiidnwpHper">
Tf t6">
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N:", w,at ene MT2A hagh],ate://rlyaharsiit apag vfrom f-syoer of ty"hastlr-feat t{ bableultifunelectiashlisais a twoiposilecti“smag vswitch”iChainis ie/selld by sashli ontwidcastiene as-hiunit cp-blwisN,naghyou would on a he M iniMagl./Thtibigsproenamied wif-syoer of tadvancediashlisamadevtodayvagh],ateyou ntctiow feal enem on aro enen syrtiothroughn-sm ofaof tndfflspareharwritc s::befoyou find thtienip],ateyou want. Harunnitoaprednaof tttwain
Tf tNitery-c MT2Aiprodusid :hoyius-enaaresultsawpHof tnd t-sceioe"piat be-h of tTeabp er aHshlodin}in la:hlg,naghshm/d. Tht maximed din}in Theercont onof tm=re imp--psictier of tCwo,nrm ith tashlinedllkautomatPell onxaepiom/dnfrom ffis ip of tl:"erodin}in la:hl at ene tfd-gi-lueglnmark. Howa:hovewhat makes slnreaed with ter-featsaer ofis ashlinis ip p-st onNaer of tl:"eroashli la:hlgiero enen ju-pigonsiene as-hiunit’sismag vswitchnaickgrtercp-blwisNatwntlito kick itsuSkip Teabp oin}in, aghgeessh.a/p>
Tf t6">
< is iftiy: oneulti-":"Lashli rr RevgdkwpHofis ag arti./It is st-cy:aop aeev://rlyainextesponsiashligh],ateuse licacrayvof chaap ":"s ip makeve brshlier ashli from olss n-echnologyebulbs. Tht 2370iighge- ofis kindeas ashlinat ell./*! Thwellaengineaied Peappln runsnerkgro 6">
Wyatw Johnson /p>iv
Wyatw nt has btwriwriting artisaer and running RealisticPreparedness sin2012012.shcraft,ifieldcraft,iperror- =""flnre,aer aurb d-sur- =el arl =el as yf i cene"p./Hlnisar stroit suppimpegeew th t2r aAmendmadi.a/p>2">
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