SHOT Show 2017 – Day One

This year’s SHOT Show in Las Vegas is once again raising the bar as the largest yet, with 1,600 exhibitors. This works out to about twelve and a half miles of isles to walk. Once again, the predominant weapons system seems to be the beloved AR15 and all of the big players in the firearms industry are present. So, we thought that we’d start off with a list that is focused on new and interesting products and some things that just shouldn’t be overlooked.

Alpha Dog Silencers has one of the more interesting pistol can designs that we’ve seen so far. They have integrated a top rail, with built in sights, onto the exterior of the suppressor. This provides an alternative to replacing the existing, short sights that come from the factory on most pistols.

Gemtech is adding the Integra AR15 integrally suppressed upper receiver to their lineup this year, which is going to be distributed through Silencer Shop. This looks to be about as easy as it can get to have a one stamp 5.56 or 300BLK suppressed upper with a 16.1″ barrel length. This setup runs a monocore can, so the single piece baffle stack just unscrews from the front of upper.

Paradigm SRP has their Talon gyro-stabilized weapons platform on display this year. It is designed to allow for precision shooting from moving vehicles, such as helicopters, boats and trucks. The system is designed to work with your personal weapon of choice and supports night vision. The included remote has a seven inch HD display that can both look through the weapon’s scope and show wide angle views.

Vortex has their new Razor AMG UH-1 on hand. It is designed to have the best features of both a red dot and holographic sight. This e the href="back5e/p-="content">

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