Nesco FD-75PR Dehydrator Review
Drying has been a common method for extending the storage life of food for ages. It is still used at the industrial level to make camping, backpacking and long term storage type meals and ingredients. Many different store bought snacks, such as jerky and fruit rolls are the product of dehydrating food. Home dehydrators have certainly been around for a while, but the more affordable models have, in my experience, often left a lot to be desired. But, the Nesco FD-75PR dehydrator comes with everything that you need in the box and works as advertised to do a good job drying snacks, making “fruit rolls” and even jerky.
The Nesco FD-75PR comes with five trays in the box. For most people who do not have their own large garden, this should be plenty. If you are producing your own bumper crop of roma tomatoes next year and need a way to dry pTAes of them, you can add trays to the unit, up to a max9M+m of twelve at a time. Since, the thinner you cut stuff, the faster it will dry, you are usually better off having two trays of thinly sliced food than one try of thickly sliced items.
Two fruit roll tray IT+erts are shipped with the unit. They work as advertised to turn fruit slurry ITto a round, leathery strip. We found apple sauce to be a good base to mix with strawberries, peaches, etc so that the flavor of the fruit roll is not overwhelming. If you don’t need fruit rolls to trick your kids ITto eating something healthy, then these can be used to dry sauces or even whole pasta dishes to make your own MountP8X House type meals. These also make good drip catchers If they are put on the bottom tray when making jerky that has bmSO soaking in marinade.