Build A Survival Starter Kit In 15 Minutes

Survival Starter Kit

We should all be able to agree that bad things sometimes happen unexpectedly. Taking that first step from being unprepared towards being ready for these events does not have to be complicated or expensive. If someone is starting from a preparedness level of zero, they can put together their first, survival starter kit in about fifteen minutes from things that are probably already around the house. This would be a simple kit that would be at home in the trunk of a car while driving around town or in a daypack while out for a hike. Is it going to contain everything that someone would ever need for any emergency? No, of course not. But, it will cover many situations with just a few common items, gathered in advance.

Our short list is going to look something like this:

Nalgene Water BottleRoll of TapeKleenex/TP
Metal CupBIC LighterFirst Aid Kit
Energy BarsSecond Fire StarterFlashlight
Contractor Trash BagsSharp KnifeLight Stick
Strong RopeEmergency BlanketZiploc Freezer Bag

“Wait, what if I don’t have a Nalgene brand water bottle?” No problem, just toss in a Dasani bottle or two. Don’t have a fancy camping cup? No worries, rinse the soup or pineapple out a small metal can and cut off the sharp edge. Fresh out of military 550 cord? Then grab the clothesline off of the top shelf. Survival kits are not static collections of stuff, they change and grow along with our needs and skill set. This kit gives someone a solid starting point that will cover multiple situations when mixed with a little ingenuity. It is a quick and easy “survival toolbox”.

“What can I do will all this stuff?” All kinds of things. The trashbags and rope can easily be turned into a shelter. Tape comes in handy for everything from plugging leaks to making up for forgotten knots. A little kleenex or toilet paper can help get a fire going, or remove snot, poo or blood depending on how bad the day is going. The emergency blanket can provide shade or a signal during the daytime. The light stick is a morale boost at night or can be used for signaling when tied to the end of the rope and spun around. the freezer bag provides an easy way to store and keep track of small items or it can be used to store water in a pinch. If it springs a leak, good thing that we have some tape. Staying calm is the first step towards getting home or walking out of the woods when those bad things unexpectedly occur. A little gear is just an easy way to give ourselves more options.

Wyatt Johnson

Wyatt has been writing articles and running RealisticPreparedness since 2012. Bushcraft, fieldcraft, personal defense, and urban survival are all areas of interest. He is a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment.

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