Survival Gift Ideas For Father’s Day

Some guys are hard to shop for, as it seems that they already have one of everything. Others have complex or uncommon hobbies that make gift hunting quite a challenge. So, if there is someone on your Father’s Day list that is interested in anything from wilderness survival to disaster preparedness, the following six survival gift ideas, that you may not have thought about, could help you pick a winner this year. They are all available from Amazon, as well as other online vendors, so reliably quick shipping remains an option for last minute purchases.

An axe is one of the classic tools that helped to build America. It can turn fallen trees into fuel, help build a shelter or clear debris after a storm. Council Tool’s Velvicut Boy’s Axe is the high end version of their smaller, all around use chopping tool. Whether you plan to carry this into the woods or keep it in your house or truck for emergencies, this is about as nice as US made axes get.

The Nitecore P12 is still at the top of my list for favorite all around flashlights. It has an impressive set of features, enough modes to cover pretty much any situation and is well made. This is the light that I keep handy at night. You can either just get the Nitecore P12 by itself of as part of a bundle that includes batteries and a charger.

If there is a guy on your Father’s Day list who is new to the idea of emergency preparedness, then the Handbook to Practical Disaster Preparedness for the Family by Dr Arthur Bradley is the best comprehensive book on the subject that I’ve found. This is the kind of book that every family aught to keep around as a reference for when bad things happen. Just owning a copy won’t protect you from evil, like some sort of magic talisman, but reading it can certainly get you off to a solid start.

The Zippo All In One Kit is everything that you need to keep making fires for months, with a dash of timeless refinement. Although there have been a few minor tweaks over the years, the company has been making basically the same design for over eighty years. The metal body of the lighter is built like a tank. In a pinch, you can pull the flints out of dead disposable lighters and use them. It will also run on about a dozen different flammable liquids if there isn’t any lighter fluid handy.

The Anker 14W Dual-Port Solar Charger is about as small and budget friendly as they can make a useful solar charger with our current technology. It folds up to roughly the size of an Ipad, but has four panels to suck in free juice on a sunny day. It is a nice option to keep things like smart phones and other portable electronics charged during a power outage or when travelling outdoors on longer trips.

If there is a beef jerky fan on your list, then the Nesco Snackmaster Pro Food Dehydrator deserves a look. Not all dehydrators get hot enough to safely handle meat products, but this one does. It also heats evenly enough to not turn part of your food the gravel while the rest sits untouched. There certainly are bigger, fancier dehydrators, but this one is a good pick if you’re budget is less than seventy-five bucks. Just be warned, that last batch of jerky I made disappeared in less than a day.

Wyatt Johnson

Wyatt has been writing articles and running RealisticPreparedness since 2012. Bushcraft, fieldcraft, personal defense, and urban survival are all areas of interest. He is a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment.

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