Category: Podcast Files

Realistic Preparedness Podcast

Sanitation in Emergency Situations

We’ve touched on different pieces of this recently, but with this podcast, we’re going to pull all of those pieces together into a unified plan. Now, I know that this is not the most glamorous topic imaginable, but maybe that is one of the reasons that it so often gets overlooked when people are getting prepared for emergency situations. No one wants to think about the toilets not working, piles of dirty laundry on the...

Realistic Preparedness Podcast

Sleeping Bags: Tips, Tricks and Choices

In this podcast we’ll go over some tips and tricks on how to get the most out of the sleeping bag that you already have, as well as what to look for when shopping for a new bag… Specific topics include: Temperature Rating Systems Down vs. Synthetic Fill Features to Look For Styles of Sleeping Bag How to Evaluate a Bag Before Purchase Tricks to Staying Warm Getting the Most Out of Your Sleeping Bag...

Emergency Medical Kits

Emergency Medical Kits

This is the second in a three part series on first aid kits, emergency medical kits and basic medical concerns durdiv>sti"Se1 kits easier. 

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